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Christina L. Jackson, M.Ed.

Professional Educator. Keynote Speaker. Fear Fighter

Shewrights, LLC offers professional speaking, coaching, and facilitation service for individuals, teams, and professional organizations. ​We design speeches, workshops, and presentations that inform and inspire action-oriented change. ​


I like to help people become who they want to be. I believe you can design the life you want by growing your talent. I utilize creative writing, goal-setting, and motivational conversations to help others become who they want to be.


To change who you are you must change what you do! To change what you do, you must change what you believe. To change what you believe, you must acquire new information. Awareness is the first step to change.  


Identity-based goal setting leads to becoming the kind of person you want to be over time.  Embodying the habits of the type of person you want to be will enable you to upgrade your beliefs. A belief is an attitude that flavors your behavior. Our repeated behaviors reveal our attitude, a reoccurring attitude will provide evidence of who you are.

To create long-lasting change to your identity, consider attaching your goals to a belief, identity, or natural talent, this is called identity-based goal setting.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right! -Henry Ford


Identity-based beliefs help you to become the person you want to be by preventing you from blindly following norms.  To create identity-based habits without a person to embody, consider your natural talents and the process for building talent. The process of upgrading a strength from talent is similar to the process of transforming habits into an identity. You can grow your identity!


You can build your brain to grow your talent through intensive practice and motivation. How? First, Daniel Coyle, author of The Little Book of Talent suggests there are three categories: (1) Get Started (2) Improve Over Time 3) Sustain Your Efforts.


Start by deciding on the habits you are seeking. Identify someone who has those habits. This act, called ignition, enables a shift in mindset. The mindset shift allows you to see yourself in their spot. Once you find that person, stare! Staring allows you to notice their behaviors and patterns.  Staring consists of watching, listening, and documenting over time the behaviors you want to develop. Staring leads to effective stealing. Over time, staring enables "engraving" of the habits which carve a new identity. Engraving takes time and will not have immediate gratification. To successfully practice developing a new identity or achieving a goal one must have a growth mindset and courage.


A growth mindset is a set of assumptions or notions held by a person. While you are becoming a new person you will encounter errors and setbacks. As with practicing a new habit, turning a talent into a strength is temporary until the behavior is automatic.


Courage prevents inaction by balancing emotions of fear and overconfidence. Courageous people feel the fear and proceed anyway!


Leaning into courage is easier with a growth mindset because a person with a growth mindset believes in their ability to grow incrementally with hard work. A person with a growth mindset can see failure as an individual event and is excited to learn. A person with a fixed mindset does not respond positively when their core intelligence is challenged, they are likely to run from difficulty. This belief will prevent them achieving changes that lead to them becoming who they want to be.


Growth mindset can help a person thrive until the habit has become an identity.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says there is power in delaying gratification. If you want to succeed at something, you will need to take action, be disciplined, and avoid distractions. 


Change always requires action! Consider utilizing the 5 mindsets to design a life you love! These mindsets are from "Design Your Life" by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. 

1. Be curious

2. Take Action

3. Reframe fears and liminal beliefs

4. Be aware of your concerns

5. Find others to help you with your life design

“Words do two major things: they provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.”

Jim Rohn.

Current Conversations

Christina creates motivational workshops, speeches, and presentations that are education-based with coach style facilitation. Some of her workshops include spoken-word and interactive participation from audience members. 

Spoken-word is an interdisciplinary style of poetry that fosters a culture of active listening. It is an informal way to exchange views, ideas, or information. 

As a coach and facilitator, she is prepared to bring real life perspective and advice to help you manage your BIG THOUGHTS with small starts! Change is a big thought but the actions to change are small, cumulative, and generative. 

Defining and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that manifests socially as a lack of confidence. The feelings associated with imposter syndrome often make a person feel inadequate. Can you believe Imposter Syndrome is a good thing? Turns out not everyone experiences the feelings of being an imposter. Imposter feelings are felt by people with a desire for change. Dr. Valerie Young has identified five types and other influential factors that may contribute to feeling like an imposter. Imposter syndrome is relevant to the topic of advising because it impacts a person's intrinsic ability to believe in themselves. Attendees will identify their primary type and leave better prepared to overcome their imposter feelings.

Unpacking, Packing, and Carrying Confidence

​​Confidence is a complex social power!  A must-pack for every journey!  Confidence means you believe in yourself and your abilities. A belief, an acceptance of truth, stimulates perseverance when faced with a new or challenging situation. Believing in oneself is complex and not fixed, meaning it consists of many parts and may be lost and gained as you embark on each adventure of life. It is important to maintain confidence because confidence reinforces our ability to try new things. To gain or maintain confidence in a given situation it is important to consider the roles of courage, action, and mindset. Attendees will develop confidence-related awareness and tips to strengthen belief in themselves in uncertain situations.

Designing Your Professional Journey

​​Designing is a skill! Designers are problem solvers who can also create solutions that are meaningful and workable. Designing means applying thinking principles to your life in a way that allows you to see new possibilities. Designers see new possibilities and they try them! According to the authors of Designing Your Life, Bill Burnett Dave Evans and designing your life will require 5 mindsets. These mindsets underscore the value of prototyping and experimentation. A well- designed life will is generative meaning that it continues to produce overtime. Attendees will learn the 5 design mindsets and how to reframe their dysfunctional beliefs.

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What comes first, an identity or habits? It depends.

A habit is a regular practice or automated response.

An identity is the qualities, beliefs, or personality that define a person.

An identity often determine your habits.

Habit and Identity are looped together.

You may redefine your identity by changing your habits. Habits are learned through conditioning and life experience, and can change with commitment over time. Until habits are automated they are not an identity.


Not sure of your identity? Look for proof of your identity in your current habits. Your current habits unconsciously illustrate who you believe you are. 

Look back at your past week, month, or year and assess where you spent your time. Time is what you spend on habits. 

Want a new identity?

You will need new habits!

To change who you are, you must change what you do with your time. Define your thoughts and set small action oriented goals.



You Are What You Think.

You are what you think 

what you say 

what you see

what you know

what you respond to

what it takes to remind you


where’s your glory

there’s your peace

find your path

find a piece


Limit your thoughts

live beneath

find your sun

claim retreat


catch your breath

be your reflection

make your reach

your best protection


you are what you say

and what you see

find some things to know

find a piece


a piece of the world to fill

a peace of your heart to heal

it’s a journey 

but worth the steps


Start today, she already left


Coach. Fear Fighter. Path Lighter.


Shewrights, LLC was created by Christina L. Jackson. Christina is a professional educator, she holds a Master of Education in Higher Education and 10+ years experience serving college students in multiple capacities. Christina's professional training is matched by her natural creativity and strategic ability to connect with others. 


Christina creates original speeches, presentations, workshops that empower others to use identity-based goals to design the lives they want. Her current conversations inspire participants to consider the roles imposter syndrome, confidence, and life design have on their life expectations and outcomes. 


Christina's lecture based speeches, presentations, and workshops help others feel, seen, heard, and connected. Christina wants to help you and your team members acquire the language and mindsets needed for identity-based change. 

Her current conversations include:

  • Defining and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

  • Unpacking, Packing, and Carrying Confidence

  • Designing Your Professional Journey




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Here are some highlights of my presentation, workshops, and speeches!

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